Friday, November 18, 2011


Check out my drugs poster below:


Drugs are very dangerous things. Infect now another drug witch looks like strawberry candy and even smells like strawberry candy but infect it is not a strawberry candy, it’s a drug. And now people are giving  children this drug at some schools.  So if your child goes to a school, then please tell him/her do not take any candy (even if its not a drug) from a stranger, because how will he now If it  is a drug or no.


Now this is a kind of a drug maybe or maybe not. Also you can’t eat it because you don’t know if it is a drug or no. Now, why can’t you eat drugs: because drugs are haram.


These are cigarettes. Now cigarettes are even haram and they even damage your lungs. And cigarettes are even drugs.



Wednesday, January 12, 2011

My first telescopic text



Check my telescopic writing here.